Katie’s videos (free and purchased) are for general education purposes. 

By purchasing and/or watching these videos you agree that you have read and understand the following important notes:

  • The yoga in the videos is intended for those who want to improve their wellbeing.
  • Yoga includes physical exercises which can increase the risk of injury physical or otherwise.
  • These films are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • To reduce this risk please get medical advice before beginning yoga.
  • Your attempt to follow any exercise in the routines is solely at your own risk.
  • You are responsible of honouring your body at all times, be aware of your space and others around you.
  • You are entirely liable for any damage to yourself, property or others that arise during or from your participation in these routines.

#6: Relaxation through the koshas

Get cosy and snug as you adopt your favourite restorative yoga pose and enjoy this Guided Relaxation through the five layers or koshas of the body.

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