I learnt so much

I attended the baby massage and yoga course with my 13 week old baby. Katie’s warmth and professional knowledge and experience was the perfect combination for the most enjoyable class! I learnt so much that has provided me with more confidence with baby massage and the endless benefits of massage and yoga for baby and…

Very helpful and great value

Thanks for the baby yoga massage session.  I found it very helpful and great value for money. It must have worked because when I got home Alysha slept for an hour without waking up which is rare for her after midday. Thanks also for the detailed instructions, they will certainly make repeating the massage much…

Really enjoyed it

Many thanks for today’s baby massage session – everyone really enjoyed it – for some bubs it was quite obvious – others had delayed effects!  Both Jasper and Alysha had long sleeps this afternoon (which is unheard of for our bubs, who usually wake after one sleep cycle!).

I really loved this class

I really loved this class as it gave me something fun and therapeutic to do with my baby. After the class he slept like an angel and the colic massage has already come in handy. I highly recommend this if you are looking to soothe an upset baby or develop a bonding massage practice with…

Fantastic help

I just wanted to let you know that the DVD arrived safe and sound – and so quickly! I have been alternating routines every other night and it has been such a fantastic help! My back pain is gone and I just feel like I am carrying my baby so much better – so much…

I recommend this DVD

I found this DVD easy to follow and it has helped the women I work with to do something positive for themselves and their babies. I would recommend this DVD to anyone. The relaxation highlighted how important it was to stop for a short time in order to have energy for the rest of the…

Sleeping like a baby

I lent my friend a copy of your Post Natal Relaxations CD (as she’s been having a lot of trouble sleeping). She said she’s now sleeping like a baby and if she does happen to wake, she just puts your CD on, hears your voice and falls straight back to sleep!! So I just thought you…