Yoga for babies

We all know babies are natural Yogis, so it makes sense to help them enjoy this ancient practice. But the focus of baby yoga is on gentle stimulation and bonding between parent and bub – not exercise. Baby yoga is essentially about you and your baby connecting with one another, learning to develop trust and…

My Parenting Mantra

It used to be my mantra: at least I’m not waiting in the Emergency Department… of course that’s how I spent last night. This time with Lucas, my eldest, after he did a spectacular trip while running across our local oval. It was one of those horrible parenting moments (and there have been many) when…

Crafty kids

YOGA is definitely a BIG help when you are raising crafty children…! When I’m cooking, I quite often reach into my kitchen utensil drawer only to find the spatula sellotaped to a tape measure and a bottle top. ‘What is this?’ I’ll ask my son, Lucas, nine, as I hold up the bizarre contraption. ‘It’s…

11pm again…!

11pm again I’ve often wondered why time passes so slowly when you’re a child, but speeds up when you’re an adult. It seems way too unfair – I wish I could package up all those hours I spent as a teenager feeling bored and enjoy them now! I guess it’s just that life is busy and full – which is fabulous, but…