When do the kids go back to school?

HOLIDAY – defn: a time spent relaxing and taking time out from work. Hmmm… not for us parents! I vary between LOVING the hols and disliking them depending on the mood of my kids.

Right now I need a holiday and they need to go back to school!

With Alec heading to the UK for a couple of weeks soon and not being able to take any time off work and with no family around, plus my eldest turning eight (with the ubiquitous party, pressies and treats), I’m finding these holidays more tiring than ever!

Plus my guys have steadfastly refused to attend any workshops ‘cos they argue they spend too much time at school as it is. On one hand I’m thrilled. They actually want to spend time with me, but on the other hand I’m shattered.

I feel I should be providing a wealth of entertainment with a dash of education, socialisation and adventure. Phew! It’s hard on me and my wallet….

But the next few days we’ll be winding down… but even this requires energy and resourcefulness to ensure they don’t get bored and my two year-old, five-year-old and now eight-year-old bond in a fun, challeging and interactive way (read: no fights!).

Plus, like many mums I work from home, so this throws in yet another challenge… how on earth do I work!? The answer is to head to the computer late at night or very early in the morning when they’re tucked up in bed recovering from our daily activity. I ended up collapsing in a heap last night after finally finishing my Fernwood magazine column at 1am on Tuesday…

So as much as I adore my children and love spending time with them, I can’t help but check the calender daily… just WHEN do they go back to school?!

I’d love to know how you all cope – let me know your thoughts. Speak soon, Katie xxx