Don’t pine: go online!
Are you missing your yoga in isolation? A live, online class can give you all the usual benefits – plus it’s half the price of usual yoga classes!
There’s something special about attending a yoga class – perhaps it’s the anticipation of however tough your day is, you’ve got a yoga session to look forward to. It could be the initial chat when you arrive in the studio, or perhaps knowing you are sharing the experience and energy with others, or maybe it’s the final Oms and finishing with a sense of lightness and peace.
I’ve been teaching yoga for 20 years and this year has brought about the biggest shifts in teaching I have ever known. Yoga teachers (and students) have had to be more resourceful and flexible than ever before (and that’s saying something!). So if you’ve resisted online classes – please don’t. Please give it a go. Be patient with the technology – after all that is a lesson in our yoga to be open to change, to be accepting of the situation and you never know, you could even prefer the online classes to travelling to a studio, finding a parking space and then placing your mat next to someone who forgot to have a shower that day! (well – it can happen?!)
And remember that pre-recorded yoga sessions are great, but it’s not the same as LIVE and ONLINE
What happens in a live and online yoga class?
Firstly you’ll book into the class and receive an invite – chances are it will be with Zoom. You set up your mat and space (preferably somewhere you won’t be disturbed). You don’t have to have all the expensive props – watch my video on how you can create your own DIY props! Then a couple of minutes before the class – you’ll join the “meeting” by clicking on the invite link. You may need a password – but that will be in the invite.
Then you’re in! And you can choose whether to mute or unmute yourself or use the video function or not.
The way I run my classes are by having a chat as people enter the virtual studio! It’s fun saying hello to everyone, asking how their day has been – if they have any aches or pains (they can always private message you too). Then as the teacher and host of the class, I mute people so there’s no annoying background noise. This way as a student you can make as much noise as you like with the breathing practices! So sigh as loudly as you like – no one can hear!
If you need to take a pee break through the class, that’s fine! And if you want your daughter, son or dog to join in that’s also fine!
But the online yoga class will mean that you STAY with the practice – as opposed to a pre-recorded where you might be tempted to stop half way through or fast forward thru the bits that are a bit more challenging!
As the teacher, I will often take a look at your posture while you are practicing – to ensure you are doing the movements safely (now that doesn’t happen when you are doing a pre recorded class).
AND don’t forget – if you need to ask your teacher for an alternative, you can unmute yourself and ask away or send a note in that chat function.
At the end of the session, you have the option of staying a little longer to ask questions – just as you would in a typical face-to-face class OR you can decide to leave without talking so as not to disturb that floating feeling following relaxation.
Either way – it’s up to you. And if it’s an evening class you can even wear your PJ’s and slippers and shuffle off to bed. How good is that!?
A yoga class is not just about the asanas and pranayama practices, it’s about connection – which is more important than ever during social distancing and self isolation. So, please give the online, live yoga classes a chance. They are fun, different, relaxing and will help you feel connected to your yoga community.
I’ve got lots of live, online classes coming up so please stay in touch! You can sign up to my newsletter or join my FB or Insta pages to stay up-to-date. From time-to-time I also run free classes. Katie X