Placenta Encapsulation – one woman’s story
If I’d been aware of PE when I had my three children, I’d have signed up without any hesitation!
![placenta capsules](
But in case you’re a bit unsure check out Vickie’s story…
I had two active toddlers – Ben, three and Josh, two – and I was expecting another boy. As I watched Ben jumping on the sofa and Josh trying to scale the bookshelf, I wondered how I was going to cope with three!
My baby – another boy – was due in less than two months and with my husband working long hours and Mum in the UK, I was beginning to fear for my health – and sanity!
When I confided my fears to my friend and mum-of-three, Natasha she recommended placenta capsules.
I gave her a blank look and she explained she’d used a placenta encapsulation service.
‘It’s where they collect your placenta and put it into capsules. Then you take it like a vitamin.’
She said it made her feel fantastic and her recovery was much faster than after her first two births.
That night I went online and checked it out and read an article about the benefits of ingesting the placenta.
The next day I checked out who offered the service in my local area of Auckland, NZ and to my amazement I found my midwife – Wendy Lee ran a business called Placenta Tree Placenta Services.
I gave her a call and placed an order. I know some people might have thought it was a bit odd, but I’d been exhausted and drained after Ben and Josh’s births, so I was willing to try anything.
So as soon as I delivered my third baby, Isaac, Wendy took my placenta away in a refrigerated container and the next day returned with a jar containing about 150 tablets.
She explained I needed to take two tablets three times a day for the first five days and then two capsules daily until my energy levels increased, gradually reducing to one tablet a day.
I began taking them and on Day Three I waited for the baby blues to hit. Previously it had taken me around a week to stop crying, but this time after a couple of hours, I was back to my normal bubbly self. In fact, I didn’t even feel as if I’d just had a baby – I felt great.
For the next few weeks I coped easily with the broken nights and demands of raising two toddlers and a newborn.
‘You look amazing,’ the other mums at the playground remarked in awe.
‘What’s your secret?’ asked one.
‘I had my placenta encapsulated and it’s given me heaps of energy,’ I said excitedly.
That’s when I noticed a hush spread across the group.
One mum looked away and another began chatting about baby formula and I felt as if I’d said something disgusting.
The other people I told had similar reactions.
‘I can’t believe how brainwashed we are as a society,’ I said to my husband one evening.
‘It is totally natural, all animals in the wild do it and the process has been part of Chinese medicine for thousands of years.’
But despite peoples’ views I wouldn’t hesitate to use it again – I just wish I’d known about it for my first and second births too. Now Isaac is seven months and I’ve taken my last tablet, I’m wishing I had another supply…!
Placenta capsules – cannibalism or common sense?
In Maori culture the placenta is buried as a gift to Mother Earth and in traditional Chinese medicine the placenta is used to treat postnatal ailments such as fatigue, balancing hormones and to boosting milk supply.
The placenta has been called nature’s anti-depressant, but for some the thought of taking their own placenta is a stomach churner.
Yet studies have shown the placenta is nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6 and a mother’s natural hormones.
The cost is around $200 – $400 for a jar of up to 200 capsules.
For more information visit:
Great news! This service is offered on the Northern Beaches of Sydney by Helene Macher on: 0420 825 081 email:
Placenta Tree – placenta encapsulation service, this is a New Zealand-based company, if you offer this service in Australia, please email me as I’d love to hear from you!
If you are new mum and are feeling run-down then please check out my book: Mother Me – a mum’s guide to balance, wellbeing and harmony.
I’d love to know what you did you do to get your energy back after having a baby? Write your comments below …
Yes placenta encapsulation is great and our local doula, Vicky in Canberra does it. Her contact details are
PLACENTA SERVICES – For processing of the placenta into capsules, tinctures and prints contact Canberra Placenta Services 0422 008 759
thanks for that – hope this helps new mums in Canberra!